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OmegaT Standard Version 3.1.8 Was Released

OmegaT latest standard version 3.1.8 was released.

OmegaT is an open source and free Computer Assisted Translation tool for translators and language service providers. It features fuzzy matching, translation memory, global search and replace, keyword search, glossaries, and translation leveraging into updated projects.

Following version 2.6.3, released in March 2013, OmegaT 3.1.8 is the new standard version of OmegaT. 

It comes with an updated English manual revised by Vincent Bidaux, the new documentation manager. This new manual is already also available in French and in Japanese.

Compared with 2.6.3, 3.1.8 brings 200 enhancements and 16 bug corrections.

The details of changes are available directly from OmegaT, in Help > Last changes.

3.1.8 requires Java 1.6 or later, and is provided with Java 1.7 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux 32 and Linux 64-bit.

OmegaT can now protect text against changes in the Editor. This applies both to tags and specific text in the XLIFF filter. In addition, a number of improvements make it easier to insert missing tags.

Previously, OmegaT relied on separate plugins to provide some features. These plugins required a specific installation and sometimes configuration procedure. All the features provided by these plugins are now included in the standard version, most of the time with improvements compared to the original feature: tokenizers for morphological recognition in fuzzy matches and glossaries, LanguageTool for linguistic checks, and scripting availability, providing automation and quality assurance tools.

The old OmegaT plugins should be removed from the /plugins folder.

In addition to languages supported by Lucene, tokenizers now work in all languages for which a Hunspell dictionary is available (more than a hundred). 

The scripting features were improved, with 12 scripts available in the menu, and the default scripts included provide for instance configurable and extensible quality assurance and global spell-check features. Scripts can now be launched on specific events, such as project opening, closing, etc.

The search window was improved. It is now possible to search in memory (source, translation, notes or comments), in legacy TMs and in glossaries. Last search requests are saved and are recalled by clicking on the arrow on the right of the search field.

One of the oldest feature requests (#66 from 2005) was implemented: there’s now a search and replace feature in OmegaT. It can work globally or on each occurrence of a searched string, making use of the filtering feature of OmegaT to provide interaction. It is possible to use search and replace on untranslated strings, by copying the modified source text into the target segment.

There’s a new machine translation connector for MyMemory, with two possibilities: machine or human translations. No registration is needed, but providing an email address gives access to 1000 requests per day instead of 100.

The Editor now provides “auto-completion”. Typing a few letters plus a shortcut give access to corresponding glossary entries in a pop-up window. The same mechanism can be used to enter user configured abbreviations or “special” characters from a configurable character table. The popup window also contains a page dedicated to tag insertion, with automatic tag pair recognition.

There’s now a PDF input filter, which extracts text from PDF documents to create a plain text translation.

The SVG filter now also supports Illustrator xml export format.

To improve Mozilla localization, OmegaT now supports .lang files, in addition to specific improvements in the .properties, PO and DTD filters.

Large source documents (for instance, XLIFF files with binary content) load much faster.

Match statistics are now also available per file, with cross-file repetition information.

Team projects now detect automatically the type of server used, and provide graphical conflict resolution when the same segment was modified simultaneously by two users.

The order of source files in the project list can now be sorted manually.

Matches inserted automatically from external TMXs can be colored, with additional colors available for specific situations when working with OmegaT projects created by GlobalSight 8.5.6 and above.

The progress bar at the top left of the editor can now switch between word and percentage display by clicking on it.

A new connector to the TaaS terminology online service (https://term.tilde.com/) is available. TaaS provides automatic term extraction. Glossaries can be downloaded from OmegaT as TBX files, or used interactively directly from OmegaT.

Glossaries can now be encoded in UTF-16 LE in addition to UTF-8.

Most colors used in OmegaT can now be edited in Options > Custom Colors. Color themes can be provided through the scripting feature.

In the Project menu, the five most recent projects are now listed.

Compared with 3.1.7, 3.1.8 contains 5 enhancements and 10 bug fixes.

Some colors were not working (for instance in the Fuzzy Matches pane), and the configurable colors were extended.

The reliability of team projects was improved.

The Dutch, Interlingua and Italian localization were updated to 3.1.7.

The French and Japanese localizations were updated to 3.1.8, including the new documentation.

For this release, the Latest version 3.1.8, although labeled “beta” for practical reasons, is exactly the same as the standard one.

You can download the standard version and latest version here:

News source: Didier Briel at OmegaT Yahoo Group, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/OmegaT/conversations/messages/33705 , 4.12.2014


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