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OmegaT Version 2.6.3 Released

OmegaT is a free and open source Computer Assisted Translation tool for language service providers and translators. It features fuzzy matching, translation memory, keyword search, glossaries, and translation leveraging into updated projects.

And in March 9, 2013 OmegaT latest version 2.6.3 was released.

OmegaT 2.6.3 contains 27 enhancements and bug fixes. It comes with a new updated English manual.

The biggest improvement is the handling of team projects.

Using a standard Subversion or Git server, an unlimited number of translators can collaborate on the same project, sharing translations and glossary entries.

The projects can be used both online and offline. When getting online again, changes done offline are synchronised.

Read-only access to a project is also possible.

Microsoft Translator (2 million characters per month are free of charge) is now supported. It requires setting identifiers, which can be obtained from the Windows Azure Marketplace.

The display of the match pane is now configurable, and a "diff" display is available, to show new and deleted text in matches. In all panes, the cursor is now available, allowing selecting and copying text using the keyboard.

There are now markers for whitespace (space, tab, newline) and bidi-characters in the View menu. Tag colouring now works for RTL languages/orientation. When translating a Word (.docx) document and the target language is RTL, a number of changes are done to the target document:

- Paragraphs, sections and tables are set to bidi.
- Runs (text elements) are set to RTL.

In addition, all spaces are now preserved in Word documents.

Validating tag now supports partial verification, where only "severe" tag issues are reported.

It is possible to apply penalties to external TMXs, and to load a TMX as an "alternative source", the source segment displaying both languages. Gzipped (.tmx.gz) TMXs are now supported.

In the list of files of the project, the encoding and the filter used are now displayed.

Remove tags is now a project property feature, instead of being a global option

The PO filter now supports plural forms, and it is possible to ignore the headers in the Editor.

All the changes and bug fixes are detailed in changes.txt.

Compared with the latest version 2.6.2, there are 2 enhancements: OmegaT can now import the result of external scripts and parsing external command arguments is more flexible.

For Git team projects, an issue was fixed with line ending on non-Windows machines.

You can download the standard version and latest version here:

News source: Didier Briel at OmegaT Yahoo Group, http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/OmegaT/message/27576 in 9.3.2013


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