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OmegaT Version 3.1.4 Released

OmegaT latest version 3.1.4 was released.

OmegaT is a free and open source Computer Assisted Translation tool for language service providers and translators. It features fuzzy matching, translation memory, keyword search, glossaries, and translation leveraging into updated projects.

OmegaT latest version 3.1.4 contains 12 enhancements and 2 bug fixes.

It is now possible to select the match percentage on which to base the match ordering. This is especially useful when using the automatic insertion of fuzzy matches.

It is possible to exclude the loading of specific files and folders from the source folder. By default, some system files or folders are ignored.

A significant number of enhancements are related to team projects. 

SVNKit, the library used to connect to an SVN server, was updated to 1.8.5. This allows updating managing tools (e.g., Tortoise SVN) to a version compatible with SVN 1.8. When a team project gets online/offline, the last dialog box replaces the previous one, instead of piling up as was done previously. The repository type detection is now more robust. When OmegaT tries to synchronize, it now waits for the user to finish typing the current segment, so as to avoid “cursor jumping”.

The Editing behavior "leave the segment empty" was not respected when using search filters. This was corrected.

Documentation in CJK languages can now be created in PDF. For the first time, this version contains PDFs for the Japanese and Simplified Chinese documentations.

The Italian and Japanese localisations were updated, including full documentation for Interlingua.

You can download the standard version and latest version here:

News source: Didier Briel at OmegaT Yahoo Group, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/OmegaT/conversations/messages/33014 , 8.8.2014


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